UNH Research: New Hampshire Coastal Recreationists Support Offshore Wind

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

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DURHAM, N.H.— As the Biden administration announces a plan to expand the development of offshore wind energy development (OWD) along the East Coast, research from the University of New Hampshire shows significant support from an unlikely group, coastal recreation visitors. 从划船爱好者到垂钓者, researchers found surprisingly widespread support with close to 77% of coastal recreation visitors supporting potential OWD along the N.H. Seacoast.

“This study takes a closer look at the lingering assumption that offshore wind in the United States might hurt coastal recreation and tourism when in fact, we found the opposite,” said Michael Ferguson, 娱乐管理和政策助理教授. “Our findings suggest that offshore wind energy development will likely have little impact on coastal recreation and tourism, and in some instances, 甚至可能有助于扩大访问量.”

In the study该研究最近发表在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》杂志上 & 社会科学研究人员从N.H. coastal recreation visitors using on-site surveys at 18 different locations along the seacoast, including beaches, marinas, boat launches, 钓鱼地点和游艇俱乐部. They surveyed a variety of visitors from sightseeing and charter operators to beach goers, 冲浪者和垂钓者评估对接受度的总体认知, support, fit, and recreation impact of OWD. 研究人员发现,当被问及强迫症时, 77%的沿海游客表示支持, 73%的人接受,58%的人同意OWD符合N.H. seascape.

To help coastal recreation visitors visualize what a commercial scale offshore wind farm would look like on the N.H. Seacoast, the researchers showed 50% of respondents a photo simulation of an OWD project while the other 50% of respondents did not view it. Findings indicated that it did not matter if respondents saw the photo simulation of not, their attitudes remained the same; largely positive and supportive. Additionally, most respondents agreed that OWD would not cause them to alter or substitute their recreation activities, behaviors, or experiences.

“这些沿海休闲游客大多经常光顾该地区, 所以这些人与N有密切的联系.H. Seacoast,” said Ferguson. “And, since offshore wind energy development has had its hurdles gaining traction and acceptance in the United States, our findings suggest that coastal recreation visitors are open and supportive of it and policymakers, natural resource managers, and the OWD industry should recognize coastal recreation and tourism as critical stakeholder sectors.”

研究人员在他们的论文中引用了沿N.H. Seacoast, 沿海娱乐是国家经济的重要组成部分, accounting for more than $1.每年50亿美元的经济影响. Across the nation, beaches and their associated coastal recreation activities serve as a leading source of tourism revenue in states with coastlines.


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